Posts Tagged 'sawaka'

はじめてのけいおん Hajimete no K-ON!

Let’s start saying I enojoyed this work (what are you thinking about? XD).
The drawings are not too bad, I liked them, moreover characters are very similar to the original ones.
Especially Mio is drawn very well (the cover is awesome imho).

IMAGE_01The cover. Mio is very cute isn’t she? :3

Put it simpe はじめてのけいおん Hajimete no K-on is a ユリ同人誌 yuri doujinshi where Sawako and Ritsu please Yui and the 萌え (moe) Mio.
Obviously from start to end Sawako is making references to some bands like megadeth, anthrax, metallica and slayers just read it and you’ll understand what I mean ^^

Here are some sample pages (no sex scenes here, you hentai ^^).

Continue reading ‘はじめてのけいおん Hajimete no K-ON!’

[R]elease and [D]eadline

[D] 8/14 Comiket 76
[R] 5/29 At home mate
[R] 7/10 France Shoujo
[R] 7/02 Miku -Project DIVA-


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